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Safia Griffin
Safia Griffin
Chair, Arts for Recovery in the Community (Arc)
Safia‘s professional bio / interests
I hold a senior leadership position in an arts and health charity based in the North of England. I lead on governance and DEI and line manager our Chief Officer, so have positional authority, team backing and resources to embed DEI and anti-racism work across the organisation. My other work is as a consultant and coach. Details of this and to connect on LinkedIn can be found here. I am a member of different groups and spaces - both as someone who has lived it as a bi-racial, disabled, queer woman and as someone who advocates and collaborates with others for equity, voice and solidarity. Anti-oporession work is ongoing and equitable practices and policy needed more than ever. I look forward learning, listening and improving, with you!
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An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I know several different martial arts and used to spar frequently with people of all different nationalities, genders, heights and sizes!
I live in
A career highlight
Working for a sex workers support charity and successfully: - Establishing a long-running and well attended service user advisory panel - 3 years and counting - Persuading my organisation to review their inclusion of trans people in their women's services and being part of the working group that reviewed policy, service design, training and communication for the organisation to become a trans inclusive service - Regularly and vocally asking questions about why both the Board and organisation staff team were mostly all white - and again after they doubled their staff team - and being a critical friend to their anti-racism strand of DEI work - Introducing tools and learning around cultural intelligence Senior leader of an arts and health charity - Establishing an annual DEI self-assessment tool when I became Vice-chair in 2019 - Providing training and resources on DEI terms and practices - Embedding DEI in strategy and operations - Ongoing journey to become a disability confident, anti-racist and socially equitable organisation
Joined Guild
21 December, 2022