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Antonio Santos
Antonio Santos
Social Media Busines Evangelist, Atos
Antonio‘s professional bio / interests
Innovation broker. Recognizing opportunities that link tech, ideas, and people through networking. Passionate about Digital Inclusion, Social Media Engagement, Diversity, Future of Work, and Social Business. Antonio Santos is a Social Media Business Evangelist and Senior Workplace Expert, at Atos, focusing on Digital Inclusion, Social Media Engagement, and Social Business. He is a Sociologist with expertise on Applied Research; he previously worked in the Media, Military, Public Sector and Telecom before joining Siemens IT in 2006 in Cork and Atos in 2011. According to Onalytica who measures online presence and influence, Antonio is the 3rd most influential employee in the world, in Consulting based on data from Twitter and LinkedIn and number one on Sustainability amongst employees of the 48 most important consulting companies globally. Antonio collaborates with Meghan M. Biro on TalentCulture, an award-winning website and podcast on the future of work and they have interviewed and hosted Twitter chats with industry leaders from the Enterprise and Academia. In 2014 with Debra Ruh and Neil Milliken he creates axschat. A weekly Twitter chat on diversity and inclusion, who become the most popular twitter conversation on that topic over the last 9 years. AXSChat was chosen by Valuable 500 CEO Caroline Casey to become one of their primary media partners and to support their efforts to create a community to revolutionise disability inclusion through business leadership and opportunity. More recently Antonio co-founded the Digital Transformation Lab at the Universiyty Colege of Cork. The Lab focusses on digital innovation, entrepreneurship and technology in various enterprises both within the private and public sector. DT-Lab aims to provide leadership in digital strategy, innovation and execution.
I’d like help with…
Community, Collaboration, Change Management and Inclusion initiatives.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
Created a pirate radio, was in Movie and half of my family is Canadian.
I live in
A career highlight
Best Digital Campaign in the European Digital Mindset Awards, at the Digital Enterprise Show (DES), the world's largest international event on digital transformation, which took place in Madrid every year.
Joined Guild
18 January, 2023