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Phoebe Alderman
Phoebe Alderman
Associate Software Developer, Pearson
Phoebe‘s professional bio / interests
Working part time as a software developer alongside final year studies. Working across front end and back end .NET project.
I’d like help with…
Making connections with women in tech roles who have wisdom and/or advice to share to someone about to start their career. Particularly interested in a software engineering/similar role in MedTech or other healthcare companies - keen to find a place in a company that contributes a positive impact.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I'm a music lover so I grew up playing the piano and cello, and I love a good sing.
I live in
A career highlight
My first experience as a software developer - a 10 week paid internship that really solidified that I was in the right place!
Joined Guild
30 January, 2023