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Paul Freedman
Paul Freedman
Founder & CEO, The Growth Project UK
Paul‘s professional bio / interests
I am on a mission to blur the line in leadership between the For Profit and Not For Profit sectors so that business and charity can collaborate more effectively to make a difference in the world. Founded in Australia in 2014 and the UK in 2019, The Growth Project is a unique, proven and scalable program that delivers human based leadership programs for charity and business leaders, through a collaborative learning experience.
I’d like help with…
.....building a community of people who have experienced The Growth Project first hand .....finding more people who want to experience The Growth Project
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
My WHY? is simply this - connection. I find my energy when I am connecting with people, connecting people with other people, and connecting ideas with people. This guides everything I do and try to be. My three core personal values are: Growth; Nurture; Freedom. I believe that Growth (personal and professional) is an obligation. I have the talent to nurture and inspire that growth. I will not allow anyone to wrestle control of my time from me. I have a voice that tells me I have not earned the right to offer my advice and ideas to the world - that it's in some way fraudulent. I have learned to love that voice and to welcome it into my thoughts whenever it is triggered, because I know that from that voice I have developed my strongest powers - to help people from a place of humility, love and honesty.
I live in
A career highlight
Launching The Growth Project to the world in 2019 (or at least to a room of supporters!)
Joined Guild
01 February, 2023