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mulunesh weldesenbet
mulunesh weldesenbet
executive director & founder, amaranth farm ecolodge
mulunesh‘s professional bio / interests
my name is mulunesh jebessa i am a media and communication specialist my background was science but turned to science radio magazine producer and later to communicator for development for international organization working on development intervention. firsy i passionate on indigenous knowledge of women who enngagedon wild food plants for food and medicine then i established a civil society orgabnization to scale up womens indegenous knowledge to lift up negelected and underutilized species for food security and income generating schemes through gardening project now i am working on women self help group to start income generating schemes for women who are vulnerable
I’d like help with…
i want to teach women and want to attract other women to help women
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
i am very persistent and love nature product plant based solutions. i engaged the whole my life to create conducive life style through my project
I live in
A career highlight
i can mention a lot but to stand out from my career achievement while i am working with oxfam international coffee campaign fair price for coffee farmers i allowed two women coffee farmers to attend and explain the situation unfair price for coffee farmers from big corporation turned their life and the campaign meet the goal and the world coffee market realized how the coffee farmers suffered by price of coffee from world market and giant corporations
@mulunesh weldsenbet
Joined Guild
03 March, 2023