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Rob Sisson
Rob Sisson
Founder, Inspireal CIC
Rob‘s professional bio / interests
I run Inspireal which connects people to mentors to help them move forward in life. I also write about open philanthropy in my linkedin newsletter, encouraging participatory grant making and other practices such as grants that are transparent and accessible. Additionally, I invest in ESG multifamily property in the USA, currently focusing on Texas, Florida, and North Carolina. As if that's not already enough, I'm bringing these things together by starting an impact investing fund which invests in ESG multifamily properties and redistributes profits through open philanthropy and participatory grant making. Effectively turning one off donations into long term income streams for those who the people on the ground deem to need it most. This is in the hope that it will reduce wealth/power inequalities and making philanthropy more accessible to those with private wealth as capital will be preserved and backed by real estate.
I’d like help with…
Setting up an ESG real estate fund which distributes it's profits using open philanthropy.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I've spent a long periods in thai buddhist monasteries - in the UK, and done a silent mediation retreat.
I live in
A career highlight
When I changed from doing things for myself, to doing things solely for generosity; the game changed.
Joined Guild
08 March, 2023