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Katherine Watkins
Katherine Watkins
Chief People Officer, Selbey Anderson
Katherine‘s professional bio / interests
Katherine's enthusiasm and passion for HR is reflected in the first class support she gives Directors, CHROs and CEOs. For leaders who see the value in resilient and neutral HR counsel, she helps companies join up the dots internally and helps to reach a point of clarity on their HR strategy. She can help your business stay focused and remain profitable, by helping you navigate the redefining and setting of a strong and robust HR strategy; establishing a compatible culture and change agenda; plan and deliver a divestiture; M&A activity; recalibration of the workforce and the employment legal minefield of growth into new and existing markets.
I’d like help with…
HR strategy; establishing a compatible culture and change agenda; plan and deliver a divestitures; M&A activity; recalibration of the workforce and the employment legal minefield of growth into new and existing markets; integration; IHRS implementation; HR RPFs and tenders; Exec reward and LTIP schemes; business mentoring.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I only like red wine!
I live in
A career highlight
Becoming a Fellow of the CIPD Member of the Association of Business Mentors working to improve and professionalise business mentoring across the UK. Becoming a qualified mediator
Joined Guild
15 March, 2023