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Ann Storr
Ann Storr
Fractional Writer, Fables
Ann‘s professional bio / interests
I'm a life-long word-person. Finding that one-right-word, uncovering the perfect concept or breaking that into a brand-editorial campaign is what makes my little nerd-heart sing. Writing is hard. We don't have the time. We don't have the headspace. Tapping into AI takes you part of the way. But my clients value the human relationships that sit the centre of nuanced, thoughtful stories. My sweet-spot clients are B2B SaaS whose brands are so beautiful they look like B2C. They understand the benefits of brand equity and love. If you value the power of words, you want a tech-trained writer who'll work with generative AI and provide you with powerful, human and compelling copy, I'd love to chat.
I’d like help with…
I’m trying to validate an idea for my business, around fractional content and executive ghostwriting. If you have 15 minutes I’d love to talk.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I have been on the front cover of GirlGuiding magazine.
I live in
A career highlight
Appearing on BBC Food Programme, and learning they used all of my tape.
Not yet provided
Joined Guild
06 June, 2023