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Femi Okutubo
Femi Okutubo
Publisher / Editor-in-Chief, Trumpet Media Group
Femi‘s professional bio / interests
I am the Founder and Publisher of Trumpet Media Group (the longest-surviving media outlet within the UK African community,) which was established in 1995. A strong campaigning force for the promotion of the positive image of Africa and Africans, I am also the Founder of the Gathering of Africa’s Best (GAB) Awards. I am recognised an innovator in UK’s ethnic media industry, introducing the first FREE national black newspaper - The Trumpet, which made headline news in 2001 when it became the largest distributed Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC) Audited Black newspaper. I have been recognised with numerous accolades including the Freedom of the City of London bagged in 2017.
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14 June, 2023