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Zahra Ibrahim
Zahra Ibrahim
Recent Projects Officer, Recent ULaw Staff Member
Zahra‘s professional bio / interests
I'm a law graduate and I've been working recently as a Projects Officer at ULaw and previous at the MoJ. Now I'm taking a break to recharge and prepare for the next chapter of my career pursuing consulting! I'm looking forward to making many connections at this years' Bright Network Internship Experience.
I’d like help with…
I'd love to have a coffee/tea chat with professionals in consulting firms to learn more about the types of projects you're staffed on, what you really like about the firm and the culture. Also, I'd love to hear the stories of what why you decided to become a management consultant. I'm looking to apply to to firms abroad so if you have international experience I'd love to hear about that as well!
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I love to crochet, make hand crafts and take landscape photos!
I live in
A career highlight
I participated in a consulting project in May 2023 for a client looking to grow their business. It was a great experience brining actionable recommendations for the client to be able to take action on immediately to start the processes of doubling their revenue for the next 5 years. The most notable part of the experience was that at the beginning the client was confused on what steps they should take, as their are 101 million avenues they could exploit to grow their business! However, through mine and my teams' customer, competitor and market analyses, I was able to clear that fog and communicate the 2/3 important steps that the client should take action on based on.
Joined Guild
15 June, 2023