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Lea Marie Zach
Lea Marie Zach
Student, University of Warwick
Lea Marie‘s professional bio / interests
Undergraduate in Economics, Psychology and Philosophy, specialising in Behavioural Economics. Looking to gain more experience in the consulting industry.
I’d like help with…
I’d definitely like to know more about consulting, with focus on behavioural economics. I’d love to hear advice from people who are more experienced in this field!
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
1. Im originally from Vienna but have lived in Singapore, Switzerland and now the UK. I’d love to keep travelling and live abroad for the next couple of years I absolutely love it!! 2. I am passionate about Muay Thai. I had my first University Interclub fight this year and whilst the hours leading up to it were nerve wrecking it was overall such a fun and rewarding experience.
I live in
A career highlight
Graduating the International Baccalaureate with a 42/45, or becoming Social Secretary of Warwick Thai Boxing.
Joined Guild
16 June, 2023