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Carla Terry
Carla Terry
Voiceover Artist, Carla Terry
Carla‘s professional bio / interests
Live event? Voiceover? Announcer, narrator or MC? Your project can run into enough complications as it is. Here’s how your voice professional doesn’t need to be one of them. Even the simplest project isn’t that simple. I've been the voice of over 1000 live or recorded sports, corporate and charity projects - and the one thing they have in common is that the organiser or producer can have a heck of a job getting everything - and everybody - working just right on the day. My job as your voice professional is to ensure there’s at least one moving part that you can absolutely rely on to deliver - without fuss or drama. It goes without saying you need me to be really, really good at my job. I expect no less of myself: I have a fully kitted home recording studio ready for whatever I throw at it… and I continue to invest time and effort into ongoing professional training so I’m always at the top of my game. But it’s more than just that. Because there’s a world of difference between the voice professional who turns up expecting to be directed, guided and then managed… …and one who is proactive and self-driven to deliver a complete and faultless service. I’m that second type! So rather than just await instructions, I ask questions, offer ideas of my own - and get crystal clear on what your project needs. I take direction, follow guidelines… and on the day I deliver the outcomes you promised your own client.
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An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
In the 80's, I used to live next door to the pop group Boney M.
I live in
A career highlight
Being the Voice of God at a corporate conference in Budapest for a live audience of 16,000 in 2022.
Joined Guild
19 June, 2023