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Saimanish Prabhakar
Saimanish Prabhakar
Student, N/A
Saimanish‘s professional bio / interests
I have a strong passion for investment management and I am excited to contribute my skills and knowledge with the team. I will be starting my Master's in Investment Management this fall and I am eager to learn from experienced professionals and collaborate together! I look making a positive impact with you all.
I’d like help with…
I'd like help with gaining valuable internship experiences to enhance my skills and knowledge in the field. Additionally, I would appreciate guidance on navigating the recruitment pipeline and understanding the requirements for the ideal candidate profile. Your assistance in these areas would greatly contribute to my professional development and career growth.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
An interesting aspect about me is my diverse range of interests. Apart from my dedication to long-distance running, I have an insatiable curiosity for exploring different cultures through travel. Additionally, I find solace in delving into the realms of philosophy and psychology, constantly seeking deeper insights into the human experience.
I live in
A career highlight
In my amateur film career, I have had the privilege of being featured in various media outlets across my country, including radio stations, newspapers, and magazines. It has been an incredible journey to share my passion for film with a wider audience and receive recognition for my work.
Joined Guild
20 June, 2023