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Mark Bouch
Mark Bouch
Managing Director, Leading Change Limited
Mark‘s professional bio / interests
Mark is a management consultant specialising in strategy execution, change leadership and team development to meet the dynamic needs of the 21st century. His client portfolio includes leading companies such as Pfizer, Diageo, AstraZeneca, Autotrader, BMS/Celgene, Compass Group and Mercedes F1.
I’d like help with…
I'm new to the world of building an online community and under-use business social media. I would appreciate help to build our new community "Agile Strategy" when we launch it.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
Since the age of 49, I have paddled a kayak on three occasions, non-stop between Devizes, where I live, and Westminster Bridge in London, a distance of 125 miles.
I live in
A career highlight
1st career: leading a bomb disposal team on operations in Northern Ireland 2nd career: supporting two drug development teams who bought important, life-changing drugs to patients
Links @LeadingChangeUK
Joined Guild
17 June, 2020