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Krishna Oldrini
Krishna Oldrini
Video Game Designer, London Metropolitan University
Krishna‘s professional bio / interests
I'm a recent Digital Media graduate looking for experience in the tech industry. I have experience in front-end development and UX/UI design, so I'm now trying to enhance my programming skills, which will help me achieve my dream role of Video Game Developer. I have a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript and some Python and C# knowledge, but I'm still pretty much a beginner. I expect this internship experience might be a bit of a challenge for me, but I tend to give my best when under pressure, so I'm ready to take on anything.
I’d like help with…
At the moment I feel like I will need help with everything, but It's probably just the anxiety talking. I will update this section in a few days.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I have been in love with Japan and its culture since I was a child, but contrary to what you'd think, I am studying Mandarin Chinese and know almost nothing of the Japanese language.
I live in
A career highlight
Before my degree in Digital Media, I had a 10-year-long career in fashion production, working as a pattern cutter. In most companies I worked in, I drafted patterns by hand, as is the norm for small-size companies. Technology was often seen as superfluous. When I was working in a specific company (I don't know if I can make names), they actually had computer software for pattern making. Still, they were not using it, slowing down the patterns and samples' prototyping and alteration processes. As I already had experience with the software, I started pushing for using it for drafting the patterns as well, which helped me speed up my work considerably while still maintaining the same level of quality. Later on, I started training the other pattern cutters in using the software too.
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Joined Guild
12 July, 2023